- Average Characteristics
(Ef = 5.0 volts, a.c., Eb = 300 volts and Ec = -61 volts)
Plate current 60 milliamperes
Amplification factor 3.85
Plate resistance 700 ohms
Grid to plate transconductance 5500 micromhos
- Limiting Operating Conditions for Safe Operation
(Not simultaneous ratings)
Maximum plate voltage: 450 volts
Maximum plate dissipation: 40 watts
Maximum plate current of an average tube for fixed grid bias: 70 milliamperes
Maximum plate current for manually adjusted grid bias or self-biasing circuit: 100 milliamperes
- Power Output and Distortion
Performance data including power output, second and third harmonic levels for a number of operating conditions are given in the table.
The variation of power output and harmonic levels with load resistance for several values of operating plate current is shown in Figures 7, 8 and 9, for a plate voltage of 350 volts.
The peak value of the sinusoidal input voltage, Egm, which gives the indicated power output, Pm and harmonic levels, F2m and F3m for each point in both the curves and the table, is numerically equal to the grid biasing voltage at that point. For a smaller input voltage Eg, the approximate levels may be computed from the following relations.
F2=F2m+20 log10(Eg/Egm)
F3=F3m+40 log10(Eg/Egm)